Sunday, January 23, 2011

Izamir Ridzwan.....


This post is for Izamir Ridzwan. Actually everyday I will go to his blog and drop some stains there. He is so patient with me. Hikhik, I can't steal his header like he did to me but I would like to say thank you very much for stealing my header. Thank you very much for promoting my simple header, you are one of the bloggers that always helping me in my blogging journey. I really appreciate what you did, IR. Well, I can;t steal anything from your blog but please go here if you all want to know more......


  1. hi..blogwalking sini..nice blog..follow here..:)

  2. thanks a lot ayuni.. Sbnrnya IR tak mengharap pon balasan dari ayuni.. IR ikhlas promote.. sekali lagi, terima kasih byk2.. heheh =)

  3. Ayuni...he is nice blogger..hehe glad to be promoted by him lah kan ayuni :)

  4. IR yg friendly... good blogger

    aik...tetiba terdengar lagu ramlah ram lah.. betul ke pendengaran saya ni?

    ni yg seram ni tgh2 mlm boleh terdengar lagu

  5. salam..

    simple but nice....

    my so called life :)

  6. wow!!
    saling promote..


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........