Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When he's like that..........


I'm coming back from the hospital. I got lots of experience there. Allah really taught me about life. I'm quite wondering what is his fault that he deserve the accident or maybe i'm the bad one and he's the one that received the punishment from Allah. 10000 tears won't make me look back. What ever happen, I will stick to my decision, I won't leave him, he's the one. Until death do us part. I don't care what people said. I really love him. Thank you very much ya Allah......


  1. kak yuni, dop molek bila kak yuni menyalah kan kak yuni sal accident tuh...jgn duk ingat peristiwa lama, itu kehendak ALLAH, klu kak yuni menyalahkan diri kak yuni, seperti kata mmembawa kepala kita ke mulut buaya, sedangkan kita tahu yang semuanya berlaku kerana ALLAH, kak yuni bersabar, i pray for your happiness...ingat semua dari ALLAH, i learnt something from your life, i respect you kak yuni,,... daa

  2. Salam,

    Yuni, ko nie kenaper? aper ko janki jagn aku????/ arwah pegi umur 22 xsemestinye dier pun camtu. xelok camni, seksa roh arwah, seksa yg skang nie.Aku TAK SUKA KO CAMNI!!!!

  3. It is not your fault, ayuni..:-)

  4. Nadhirah, ari sabtu lps, dier langgar kete, tgn pth, dh msuk besi....skang dh ok sket, dh balik umah dh...


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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