Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2012

Shall we tell the president?

Oh dear, I just want to write about books. In my mind right now, I still wondering about lots of books. World wide web is not enough for me to explore more about knowledge. Whereas, books are still my favorite one! 

Fida called me this evening just to ask me whether I'm free or not this coming July. As always, we will have a very nice girls day out. She is one of my friends that really into books especially thriller, crime and romance. Well, she said that crime is more interesting than anything else as it's involving lab and scientific evidence. Hm, I think that I have the same perspective as her. Scientific proof maybe the best but sometimes, we have to believe in our faith. 

I want to show you all this book. The story line are quite catchy and full with thrill!

Ps: I read this novel again and again.....

The Selection...

I found this wonderful novel in I'm hunger for more book, right now. Even though I'm still in the war stage, reading a novel is a must for me. Last night, I found myself reading an Oxford dictionary just because I don't know what to read. The line was like a snail and I just ignore it. So, this is the book that I really want to read right now. I'm searching for it in the libraries.

Do you know is it available in Malaysia?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some simple ways to improve our English......

I got a question from one of the GSF menbers, Miss Ayu. She Asked me:

Well, Sis, that is a very good question as I'm myself still in the process of improving myself!

So, hm, I can share with you all some of my tips in order to improve my English.


Yes, reading is the key here. I realized that reading everything in English makes my English improve much better. Don't care whether it is just a signboard in the middle of the town or the advertisements, I will read as long as it is in English. This is same goes with web surfing as lots of website are in English. In spite of that, I really LOVE to read English novels, don't care what genre, romance, thriller crime and so on. I still remember when I was in primary school years, I read a romance novel and brings along my little "Oxford" dictionary every where just for the sake to understand what I read.  So according to, "Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, don’t force yourself to read something too difficult or something you know you won’t enjoy. Make reading fun! Read books that you ENJOY reading"


Yes, dear, I'm blogging in English! This is one of my premier platform in improving my English writing skills. I blog anything that I want as long as in English. Motivation words is my first priority in blogging and try not to offend others in jotting down my ideas. I do agree that I'm not cool enough in grammar but I do try. I also  goes from one blog to the others in finding something new especially in English and coding. Well, HTML coding is in English! So, every day we are facing English but we don't realized it. I want to suggest one English blog that is by Mr Clive, his grammar and wording are awesome! 


Hm, this one depend on the situation. I'm an English major and of course has to speak English when in class and studying. Sometimes, I tend to speak English to my friends and sometimes not. Alas from speaking, singing English song also help me a lot. Hm, set fire to the rain.....let's search for the lyric and analyze it......

PS: These all depend on yourself, if you have already stated that English is not fun and difficult, it will be but if you are positive towards it, InsyaAllah you will get it......

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I leave it to Allah.....

I'm writing this while I'm wondering about my Ideology subject. I browsed around and I got this blog.  English learning is fun by one of my respected lecturers. I don't want to state his name here as I want to protect his privacy in the net. 

Well, I try to connect from what he taught us in this semester with my life. I do admire his teaching as in every class, he will asked us to recite a prayer before starting his class. He is a calm person.  In his last class, he taught us something from Steve Job's speeches. 

Yes, I'm a little bit disturbed as on the morning of his class, the point in the speeches is about death. Only Allah knows what I want to say here but I guess that I don't want to tell the public about something happened to our beloved juniors. 

Ya Allah, there's something that you want to tell us and I really want to know. Sir H, thank you for everything, thank you for reminding me about our creator every time I'm in his class. Ya Allah, I leave it all to you.....

Friday, May 25, 2012

Oh, my grammar.....

" What happen to your grammar?" he said to me. I e-mailed  him some of my essays a few days ago. I'm speechless. Hm, I really don't know what happen to my grammar or my grandpa, hikhik.....

"Yuni, please do something, mind your "s", " he claimed back. Ok, I will try my best. I've been doing these for many times and I'm alert for it. Emmet, thank you so much for re-checking my paper! See you this coming July with my going-to-be-perfect grammar!

Ps: Dear Fida and Azam, please don't laugh, he always like to bully me...huhuhu....
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