I asked myself. what is my mistake,
I asked myself am I the bad one....
Hikhik, this is not my monologue, I just take this from my friend, WAlik's words. Actually he called me and asked why it is not easy for him to find a good girlfriend. Hm, I really don't know how to explain. When I asked him the criteria of the girl that he want, he said he want a simple girl. Simple in what way? Walik, I tell you something in another post, I've got to go now.....

one day, dia akan jumpa jugak...
ReplyDeletekadang2 kalau cerewat payah juga..
macam sy..
smpai skrg xdewk gf lagi...
tp okeyh jewk!
hehehe..laki ni kadang2 susah nk fhm ape yg dorg pk..simple tu bnyk gak category nyer..ehe..
ReplyDelete@mR.sYaHye ke? cam susah je....
ReplyDelete@Lelaki Inihm, tulah...
ReplyDeleteckp die g agensi cari jodoh.. :P
ReplyDeletemungkin citarasa dia terlalu tinggi..
ReplyDeleteallah ada yg lebih baek untuk dia....insyaallah...amin.......
@Farhan ZulhusmiInsyaAllah, hrp2 mcm tu....
ReplyDelete@Qamarul Sahidbleh percaya ke?
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, I've found the good and charming girlfriend.:-)