Monday, January 3, 2011

Tutorial blogs.....

Hikhik, one of my friend really gives me new inspirations in blogging. When he asked me more about blogging and he said that he searched tutorials of blogging in youtube, I think it is such a good idea too. Then, I want to help him to upgrade his blog because I can see that he has lots of potential in blogging, ok, this is his blog, new interesting manuscripts. then to Akmal, I listed here some of the tutorial blogs that giving good tutorial in blogging. Happy blogging!!!!

Ps: Akmal, you just click at the name that is in red.....


  1. eh name saya pun ade..hehe, saya mane pro lg bab2 tutorial semua2 ni..tapi kalau nak ajar sikit2 bolehlah.. *blushing* :)

  2. jom ramai2 terjah new interesting manuscripts

  3. thanks ayuni for such a good promotion for my blog... i am grateful to God... I do like to blog, write such wonderful stories, in fact i do have my own diary in words and i think i want to publish it, but over all, i now like to be good yet informative blogger... I want to be one...Hope so!..

    *i never thought that the tutorial blogs is an idea...heheh...


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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