Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is that friend?


"You know what, I will bring you to that place, we can enjoy ourselves there, window shopping" Nicholas said to Sean, with a very happy face, giving Sean a great hope.
Then on the night that they have plan, Nicholas said to Sean, " I promised to Ivy and Zora that I will go with them, sorry Sean, the car is full" without any conscience and guilty, Nicholas said that to Sean. So, SEan did't go to that place that Nicholas promise. Is that friend? What will you do if your friend does that to you?



  1. redha jelah... cuba terimanya.. walau bagaimanapun, dia ttp kawan..

  2. salam pagi khamis =)

    sukar untuk dinyatakan...dalam hati hanya Tuhan yang tahu =(

  3. sy terima seadanya....
    dia tetap sahabt ku....
    walaupn time kita senang dia sentiasa da..tapi ketika sush...dia meninggalkn kita.......

  4. pagi pagi ni nak kemana...kutip ampau ?

  5. kalau saya, saya akan hambur kawan tu. bayangkan la kalau masa tu kita dah bersedia dan bersemangat, pakai perfume dan gel rambut yang tebal, kena lagi pakai pakaian yang hampir 3 jam kita nak pilih. pastu boleh dia kata tak jadi bawa kita sebab kereta dah penuh.... eeeeeeeeee...

  6. Redha and patience is what we need most..:-)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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