Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Award for the three top commentator!


Hikhik, when I put the widget top commentator,  I get 10 bloggers names that always coming to my blog. Actually, I got this idea from Padlie and I want to give something for the three top commentator. For this time the top commentator are White Capuccino, shafiq and Padlie. thank you very much. These trophy is for you. Next time I will give something better to show my appreciation to all of you who comes and giving good ideas in this blog!

This is for White Capuccino

The silver goes to Shafiq!

Bronze for Padlie!

Ok, thank you very much for always coming to my blog, love ya'll!


  1. Terima kasih..
    Tak sangka dapat bronze hehe..

    Tahniah untuk cikgu WC dan Syafiq..

  2. Wah!! thank you so much sis!! I'm thrilled!! jap g amik :D

  3. erk! is it really me? :-) Thank you very much!

  4. tahniahh ..
    cantik award tuu :))

  5. saguhati utk saye takde ke? hehehehe


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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