Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Knowing your priority.....


Yes, we are in the stress zone right now. Lots of works to do and lots of things to finish. " Ya Allah, I really don't have times to do it!" then, " huh, so glad that at last I can cope with all works!". These 2 dialogue is a common phrases that I always heard.

Meanwhile, when we are pilling with tons of work, I guess that there are some species of person or individual that is do not care a less about it. Why? He or she is in their own world, doing things that they like and seem didn't know about their surrounding. All of these individual taking advantage from the surrounding and achieve their way stepping on others. I don't know is it true they are not alert or don't want to show to the surrounding that they are alert....

PS: I don't want to care anymore....


  1. hahaha
    memg macam tue!
    we should know which work that need to be done first kan??

  2. right now, study were my priority..hehe :D

  3. Salam,

    If we interfere it might be misssunderstood for menyibuk...

    Blog GF berpindah:


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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