Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mysterious orange pail....

A few days ago, my roommate told me some mysterious story.  She was curious about something. There  is a mysterious orange pail in the wash room. Why did I used "is"? Yes, the pail still there! 

What is so mysterious of that pail? From my roommate's story, she said that the owner of the pail (we don't know who is the real owner) filled the pail full with water from the pipe that we used for taking ablution. Well, my roommate saw with her own eyes a few hours later that the pail still not full and she checked it. She found out that the pail leaked at the bottom and that is why the pail won't be full. Feeling weird and a little bit funny, she told me the full story and made us laugh out loud. 

The story still not ended there. Yesterday, she saw the owner of the pail put a plastic on the pail to cover it. She saw with her own eyes that the pail is already full with water. Just then, a few hours later when she want to take ablution, the pail was half full! My curious attitude brought me to take a look at the mysterious orange pail a few minutes ago and guess what, there's no water there! But still, the owner still filling the pail with water. I think that she doesn't realize about her leaking pail. 

So, I just want to say here that I find some moral story from the mysterious pail. The owner actually doing something useless but on the other hand, she is quite a positive person as she does not give up in filling her leaking orange pail!

Ps: Life is wonderful!


  1. you'd better tell the owner to change or buy a new one coz it is membazir. it is not nice at all. better tell the owner. that's the best way to prevent such membazir activity. thanks.

  2. owner tu xpernah giveup isi air bg penuh kan....thumbs up :)

  3. so funny...hehe.. maybe owner tu syg kot kat baldi tu..

  4. hahaha.. funny true story.
    let's take the positive view of her situation. :)

  5. kongsikan air mana2 yang ada. The most important, usah membazirkan..

  6. La... Ingat kan apa yg misteri... Rupanya baldi bocor..

  7. yeah, tell her to get a new is really a waste.

  8. Yes, the person is never give up but in this case, it is a waste of water..

  9. ahahaha..misteri tue..membazir je :)

  10. Kinda scary when I read the first paragraph..T__T
    Leaking pail,beli yang baru :)

  11. better tell the owner la or else she will keep on filling the leaking pail. its such a waste.

  12. lorr..kesiannya kat tuan baldi...
    bg tau la kat dia..kalau tak tau sape tuan tulis nota atas kertas dan kepit dgn penyepit baju..kepit kt baldi..hikhik...

  13. hehehe owner yg x mudah putus asa..tpi syg laa membazir air kan...

  14. Assalammualaikum ...

    Tak salah kalau jadi orang yang optimis/positif thinker. BUT, dalam kes ni, akak rasa, the owner tak berfirkir jauh. Instead of checking the cause of problems, she continously do something that were useless and also such a waste of water tuh ...

    So, pada yg dah tau, bawak2 la g bgtau owner tu .. sian dia tak tau .. huhuhuuu

    P/S : Takut je kalau dia tuduh org guna air yg dia tadah .. walhal .. baldi dia yg bocor ! Ish ish ish .. ^^

  15. membazir... elok beli baldi yg baru... huhuhu

  16. hye dear..visiting u here..I'm ety..nice to meet poor..the owner obviously didn't realize her pail getting leak..she should change the new one..hehe..oh ya..keep in touch okay..i'll put u in my favorite bloglist..=)

  17. huhu, betul jugak tu, positif sunggoh owner baldi tu. tapiii kan riso jer dia tu fikir bukan2, ada org guna ker, misteri ker...walhal baldi bocor.

  18. Apa yang penting, jgn membazir..hihihi

  19. kikiki..kelakar jgk...
    mula2 bc mcm misteri nusantara..

  20. hehe well well,if u choose to look at it that way,then,ur absolutely right! :)

  21. membazir amalan syaitan. huhu.

  22. u know what is more to "magic pail" than "mysterious pail" kahkahkahkah

  23. hahaha..itu rupanya yang misteri tu ye dik.heheh


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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