Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Azam's words......

Everything that we hear maybe not true, he said. I lost in my deep thinking when he spluttered that phrase. World is not the same every day. Friendship always come and go without we realize it. Still, his words always be the top when I'm trying to decide something. I know that he read this. Maybe he read this. Yes, he read this blog as he is one of the guy in my life that always blabbering to me what to do and why I must do it after my father, my family and Mr S. 

Dearie readers, maybe this post a little bit awkward  but I must write it. Since not everyone that come here like to give comments in spite of just be a silent readers, I know he is one of them. Yes, I do listen to you, hikhik, Azam, thank you for the advice....


  1. Owhhhh azam yek nama dia... Kdg2 ada yg lebih suka jd silent readers Dari yg menonjol

  2. susah sikit nur nak faham ayuni..
    harap ayuni dalam dalam keadaan baik ye..

    jga diri K...

  3. who is 'He'? Mr Azam eh ayuni? hihi

  4. beznya dpt kwn cam azam...lagi..apa yg azam sampaikan..tringin nk tahu..mana tahu leh inspirasikan diri ini jg

  5. ewah2..kemain lgi yea bebunga2 cintun la tuh..hihi

  6. silent readers ni buat trafik kite naik juge kan. ;)

  7. maaf lama tak singgah umah sis ayuni..windunya gan dia..ahaksss, lagu ku merindu nih tuju kat sapa ek??hehee windu sapa la yerrr..hehee

    salam ramadhan sis :))

  8. Sebab tu, apa2 pun kita kene siasat dulu. takmo serkap jarang je. hehe

  9. Salam Ramadhan buat semua ahli keluarga GSF..mohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya tanpa sedar mahupun tidak jika Nur pernah terkasar bahasa mahupun menguris perasaan semua.. Maafkan Nur...!

    Dan selamat berpuasaaa... :)

  10. selamat berpuasa.. saya mcm setuju juga dengan statement tu ;)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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