Thursday, December 6, 2012


I'm walking from one blog to the other. I know that my time is quite limited cause too busy with my job. I'm so sorry because I've read in one of the blog, the commentator stated that I don't go to the other blog and the owner of the blog wished me the birthday wishes. Dear friends, it is not my choice to be busy but I try my best to visit you all.. Then, my job is not like other job as I'm in the media sector....Once again, I'm so sorry....


  1. My Dior, so touching...its OK, don be sad.
    U still my fren whether u BW to my blog or not

  2. indeed, being able to update an entry is good enough, good luck kak yuni.

  3. kalau dh busy tu xper la ayuni...dahulukan jer mana yg penting

  4. sama la kita. saya pon dah lama tak aktif blog cam dulu disebabkan keje & benda2 lain.hmmm...papepon, hepi belated bday ye.

  5. don be sad..penting yg mne penting..

  6. owh yeke...xpela kalo gitu..huhu...

  7. tak pe la Ayuni ..dulukan mane yg dulu ye...;)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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