Monday, May 27, 2013


Confused but still can think. It's all I can tell you all right now. What will you do when someone that you really respect done something not right in the name of company's policy. Do I have to shut my mouth and ignore it? Feels like telling my boss and the GM. Feels like just want to silence my mouth but it is wrong. I have integrity in being a good executive. Maybe I can shut my mouth right now but what can I say when Allah ask me later in the grave? 

Yes, he is not my boss but his level is not my level. I don't want to draw any attention towards him but I think I can't. Flashing back when I was a student, the same situation occurred but the doer was my classmate. On that time, I don't have any power to react and just keep silent because of he was one of the influenced person in my class. The victim of his wrong doing stuck in the same boat with me. Now, I'm in the working world. I have the power of communication and I know I can do this. I won't keep silent anymore. Sorry....


  1. kalo kita di tempat yg benar. lakukan lah sesuatu even org tak suka. tp Allah suka. :)

  2. It is a tough decision but we need to be honest..

  3. ya~~ bercakap benar adalah lebih elok..
    berani kerana benar kan.. hehehe ^^
    give some lesson to that 'person'.. dunia ny sementara je .. klu terlepas d dunia, but never in akhirat.. hehe =)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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