Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What can we do?

He said that the situation can be devastated. She said that we can still manage the situation. I think that the situation is alright, nothing wrong with it. Three opinions, from three different people. I can not lie to myself even  the other executives. I'm just doing my job. If we can not save the situation, just speak it out loud, please be honest for the sake of the team. Why are you so negative?.......


  1. betol. pikir positve dalam semua situasi.

  2. kadang2 payah juga kalau org lain xphm dan xnk dgr pendapat kita.beselah tu,kdg2 tu klu dia majikan, dy sje nk org bawahannya dgr ckp dy.urmm

  3. smetime it will difficult when have many suggestion..hope u will settle it smoothly dear ;-)

  4. satu je kunci dia, jauhi org yg bersikap negatif, sbb diorg ni racun dalam dia..huhuhu

  5. Sometime working not hard becoz of job tpi sbb org2 skeliling positive sis..:)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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