Thursday, June 26, 2014

Double meaning.....

Ok, I have a story. Remember when we are kids, we used to play with our friends from late noon until early evening. On that time, everyone were happy with themselves without thinking about school works and etc.

But it was five minutes ago. Yes, we are still playing, but playing with psychology.  Different individuals with different view. They let out their emotion without thinking about others. With their loud voice and ego, they think that they are right. They want us to follow their way. I'm disagree. Disagree with everything. Maybe this time I just let it go but next time, who knows.....

Ps: They do not know the context....


  1. It is a tough situation when everyone are stubborn and can't accept other's point of view.

  2. Salam Ramadhan.. syukur masih diberi peluang...

  3. Salam Ramadhan, saya blogwalking kat sini, jemput singgah ke blog saya Saya follow sini n kalau sudi follow la saya balik yer...

  4. Selamat berpuasa dear :)

    Just want to let you know my previous blog no longer active. I am moving to new blog now huhu..


  5. yeap....its normal nowadays...people always think that they r rite...and as always...i let it go...untill cant handle it anymore...straigh away, i'll make the report//police, tribunal, tnb and all that r responsible...its easier to handle...

    Salam perkenalan...

  6. haiiiiiii, laem tak jenguk sini. hepi fasting ya. :)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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