Salam Jumaat everyone!!!
This writer comes back again after a series of busy things to do every week. After celebrating Aidiladha and coming back from JB and Temerloh, this writer get lots of new motivation about life.
My life as a wife of an admin officer grew very interesting. Spending lots of time with our little red eared slider turtle called " Gobugi" is a funny side also with 2 little "Ikan Puyu" by the name of " Dot Dot" and " Gedempong".Well, please pray for us in our ttc journey....

9th Ramadan, Alhamdulillah for a great journey of fasting. After nearly 5 years of married life, I'm still excited to break the fast with my beloved husband. Even though this year I have to work and it is not easy to get " work from home" permission from the boss, it is quite ok to work full time in the office.
So, writing from office while waiting to go back homes to break the fast.....