Wednesday, April 13, 2011

People talks....


Everyone has their own mouth. I'm really grateful because Allah had given me a mouth, thank you very much. That mouth has many usage. It all depend on that person to use the mouth, compile it with brain or just talking nonsense. Well, I don't want to judge people because people always judging me. They are perfect. They know everything about me. Alas, Allah is the ONE that given me my soul and my parents who had given me a good education. So, just talk and said what ever you want to said. because I'm not perfect, you all perfect. Please be proud for what you are, the mocking bird and the empty tin, Alhamdulillah.......

PS: Thank you Allah......


  1. alhamdulillah..bersyukur kpd tuhan atas anugerahnya.. ^^

  2. Salam kunjungan... singgah la ke blog saya ;)

  3. napa ni dear..siapa yg buat sis marah ni...

    sabar je la..mulut org mmg tak boleh ditutup...saya dulu pun pernah terkena ngan kawan baik sendiri sbb mulut dia tu...

  4. Ayuni, remember that people that are talking, gossiping about you are those who jealous and envy on what you have and what you are. Just ignore them and be yourself. :-)

  5. People can talk whatever they want. We can just ignore it..

  6. I tag you in a segmen..


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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