Friday, October 28, 2011

Simple and average.....


In this internet world, the process of expressing our ideas is easily being done. I ponders a lot nowadays because of thinking the purpose of blogging, is it my needs or my leisure? I'm not too sure about those two but I know and always states in my mind that blogging is one of my ways to improve my English.

Yet, I tend to use simple words, am I? I don't know how to judge my writing skills but I guess that the readers out there knows more especially the native speaker of English. I'm writing using my own way of structuring my words. Then, maybe some of my sentence structure is following my mother tongue but please, I'm urging all the readers out there, please correct me..... please....


  1. Grammar is the best thing to study first about english..If semayang tiang agama,grammar is the tiang for the language..hehehe

  2. Yup.. Grammar is important. We are basically in learning process.. Don't worry. :-)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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