Sunday, January 1, 2012



Do you all geared yourself for this new year? The same question I asked myself yesterday. Alas, I know my own resolution. I looked at the book shelves and I saw bunch of new novels to read for this year. Then, after this, I have to be thoughtful and alert of something around me. It is not like I want to be busy body but I want to be careful as I don't want to hurt others especially people that is close to me.

Meanwhile, I always remind myself to improve my grammar in writing....


  1. looking forward to a great year ahead! yup! stay alert..

  2. hepy new year..
    learn from the past,
    hope for the better in the future..

    me too, i need to improve my grammar..serious teruk!!

  3. its good to read a lot of books coz its help you to improve ur reading skill and also add knowledge...

  4. Happy New Year Ayuni..
    banayk novel nak kena khatam tu..membaca utk improve grammar..dulu..akak selalu jugak baca novel omputih tp sekarang sebuah novel setahun nak khatam..hehe

  5. Never give up in learning.. :-)

  6. Happy new year!! Cute blog! Excited for more!


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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