Thursday, June 7, 2012

Green, I prefer.....

Look at my blog, full of green, isn't it? Oh dear W, you asked me that I'm kind of green lately and been "greened" all these years.

Yes, green is my favorite color, hm, all kind of green plus the turquoise, also.  I tend look outside the nature when I'm in the depth of despair or searching for motivation. For me, green is peace, tranquility and sometimes, solemnity. How about you all? What is your favorite color?

Ps: Searching for more green background.....


  1. ermmm ijau begitu myamankn n sejuk mata memandang..Rasulullah saw pon suka ijau..hihii.but i'm love pink ;)

  2. xpndy la nk wat totu..hihihi..blasah jew tuh..tima kaseh ats pujian..

  3. green apple pun cantikkk. ;)

  4. green pn favourite colour...tadaaaaa..PINK!

  5. Love ocean green..salam singgah..

  6. yup, green but in my opinion, it would be so much better if you put all the boxes in the right place. It means, you just put two lines, instead of three lines. Therefore, the downloading of the blog would be so much faster. okay? well.. this is just my opinion. Thank you. And another one is, the "patah-patah line" the border there, to me... its a little bit.. urm.. urm... not suitable.. look at your heartbeat box.. its terlebih2... sorry. this is just my opinion....

  7. mak solehah ske kaler hijau jugak.tapi solehah minat pink.hehe

  8. i loves green too.

    p/s tiada paksaan pon join. huhu. saja nak bermesra dengan pembaca


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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