Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ramadhan's virtue....


Second day of Ramadhan. Yes, I've done something weird yesterday and Fida didn't scolded me, yay!  I read a book yesterday, of course a motivation book. So, I want to disseminate some of knowledge that I learn to you guys.

Our life is so precious. Every day, we will encounter something wonderful and sometimes, it is kind of weird. Why did I stated it like that? Yes, people are different from each other. Each person have their own way to do their job and live their life. I'm just a mere simple girl in this huge world. I don't know when will Allah invite me to the other world. Eventually, we are so happy with our life and forget our responsibility towards our creator, Allah. Hm, I'm not a religious person but someone reminded me of something yesterday. When I'm pondering alone in the dark, I smile. I know that Allah wants to tell me something but it is still vivid. Thank you so much to Ramadhan, I admit that I'm so small.....


  1. salam ramadhan juga.. dah dapat alamat..tq yea dear..

  2. kadang apa yang terjadi tu, sperti ingatn dari DIA kan..

    selamat berpuasa ayuni.. :)

  3. of course we are small.. tapi ada pepatah mengatakan, kecil2 cili api.. hehe.. salam ramadhan..

  4. waah wajah baru .. selamat berpuasa..

  5. whatever Allah is for our best..
    salam ramadhan jugak..follow belog ne :)

  6. some reminding to us. jangan pernah terleka kan. selamat berpuasa dear :)

  7. salam ramadhan ayuni..lama dh sy x layan buku2 jenis motivasi ni...sesekali dpt baca n curik sikit aura motivasi dri blog ayuni ni...kasi sy segar sket :)

  8. Salam Ramadhan semoga bulan ini direbut dengan sebaik baiknya.. XD

  9. wah..what have you done to Fida? hihihi

  10. Heee. Everdah is a challenges for us dear. Happh.ramadhan ah;)

  11. Motivasi diri yang baik :)

    Salam ramadhan dan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa dik :)

  12. salam ramadan :)

    Ayuni, sory nyue jarang2 terjah sini coz bz..selamat menjalani ibadat puasa taw :)

  13. salam ramadhan..selmt menunaikan ibadah puasa dan tarawih... :)

  14. bulan pose ni mane boleh marah². hee. salam ramadhan. ;)


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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