Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It is murder

When you take away a life
With the aid of a knife

It is murder

While you extinguish the living with a gun
Without being able to recreate what was born

It is murder

If you feed someone dead tablets
Later have second acrimonious regrets

It is murder

You are taking away a life
It is clinging on to survive
Need I say anymore further
It is murder

Murder sprung by a fling
With ropes or a string
Your hands only bring
Death around a necks ring

Execution by suffocation
Condemned with abomination
Deliberate foetus termination

It is murder

Make no mistake, 
Be careful
Asleep or awake! 
Murder is unlawful

If death occurs because of the effects of an evil curse
I will say this with my lips pursed
'What a great loss, but this is not murder! 

Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi 

Sylvia Chidi 

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Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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