Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where is everyone?

As I blogwalking from one blog to other, I feel like something wrong. It seems like no one is here. Maybe  I forget about something. Then, Ya Allah, what a heck, today is public holiday in the west coast also in the east  coast because of the winning football match between Malaysia and Indonesia.So, everyone must be enjoying themselves with their loves one whereas I'm stuck here in UniSZA. It's ok, I'm happy. Hm, I feel so blur here but I guess I like to blogwalking, so let's go.....hikhik.....


  1. saya pun baru sampai kat umah sewa.. esok dh start blaja.. lgpn arinikan waktu tuk mereka bersuka ria.. heeh..

  2. Hehehe..Sian dia...Apapun, Selamat ber BW di tahun baru!!!

  3. huhu.....ayuni enjoy tak cuti sambil berblog walking?? cian dia tape2 nnt kte cuti lg ek...

  4. hehe sok bermulalah segalanya..masing2 akan kembali kepada rutin masing2 kan..

  5. happy blogging and blogwalking :)

  6. tak pe2... kita berbw sama2... kat sini tak sesat punya...

  7. eh sis blaja unisza ke? kos ape? mane tau nanti saya masuk sane kite terjumpe ke? hehe

  8. hikhik, sye amik bachelor in english, sem 6 dh...

  9. ayuni, its Bachelor of English (Hons)....but seriously, seeing you have this passion in upgrading our blog makes me want to do the same but again i just do not know how to do it, yes i know there are a lot of tutorials in Youtube but again...haha...i just do not know how to do it..heheeh

  10. ayuni, its Bachelor of English (Hons)....but seriously, seeing you have this passion in upgrading our blog makes me want to do the same but again i just do not know how to do it, yes i know there are a lot of tutorials in Youtube but again...haha...i just do not know how to do it..heheeh


Salam, thank you very much for speaking your mind..........

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